My 2018 Resolutions... How'd I Do?

My 2018 Resolutions... How'd I Do?


My 2018 Resolutions… How’d I Do?

  1. Finish my coding program

    Definitely not done, I had to take a break due to intense job searching and rebuilding my savings, but still definitely trying to finish. I did take my first web design client in 2018, which was a super awesome feeling. I am also working on my portfolio website and business cards, so I can start taking on more clients in 2019!

  2. Post at least 2 blog posts a month to the blog (shooting for more!)

    Ehhh, this one shames me quite a bit, but I also fell off of this due to the reason mentioned above. I had been rather inconsistent with the blog this year, sometimes skipping months at a time and other times posting a blog post a week consistently. I am very proud of getting a post up every week for that stretch there and hopefully can get my schedule back up to that in 2019!

  3. Read at least 12 books this year

    I did not complete this but I was very close! I read 9.5 books in total. My goal was 12 books, but considering I maybe read 1-3 books the previous year, I am still proud of what I accomplished. I can write a post about the books I read if anyone is interested, let me know in the comments!

  4. Work on my dog’s walking skills/be more active with him

    I found some really helpful videos on YouTube lately from an awesome trainer and this has helped Fitz (my doodle) and I immensely. I can definitely expand on this and other dog/puppy training tips in another post.

  5. Travel more - more specifically go to Europe

    I still want to travel more, but I did go to Europe! Portugal to be exact. I also went to the beaches in Wilmington, NC a few times this summer, back home to Michigan for Thanksgiving, and spent Christmas in Washington D.C.

  6. Be very selective about my next career move

    I definitely was. At first, I was only looking for political related gigs, but then I started to lose faith and was applying to more widespread stuff you could do with a Political Science degree. I then reeled that back in a bit because I realized that I was interviewing for things that I didn't really want. However, it did lead me to my current job, which upon interviewing and getting to know my boss, I realized that she would be an invaluable asset to my career growth. I have been given nothing but opportunities, respect, trust, room to blossom, and my boss has really invested in me these last seven months!

  7. Be better about making decisions

    I think I will forever be working on this, but I have been trying to learn to balance between knowing what I want and don't want to do, and putting myself out there and trying new things. I definitely have gotten better at this though even though it still causes me a bit of anxiety to communicate with people what I want and what I don’t, but practice makes perfect!

  8. Build a new life that makes me genuinely happy, positive, and excited

    I think this will also be a forever goal at least for the foreseeable future, but for now, I am very happy and really glad that I prioritized myself this year and accomplished a lot of my life goals.

    What were your 2018 goals? Did you accomplish them? My 2019 goals will be posted here soon as well. Can’t wait to share them with you and make this a yearly thing with y’all.  

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