New Years Resolution Update: How I'm Doing
For those that may not know, I still do New Year's resolutions every year and I thought it would be fun and interesting to update you on how those are going a little over halfway through the year. If you would like to read my original post about my New Years Resolutions, you can find that here.
As a recap, my New Years Resolutions are as follows:
My New Years Resolutions for 2018
Finish my coding program (more on this in an upcoming post)
Post at least 2 blog posts a month to Aly in the City (shooting for more!)
Read at least 12 books this year (almost three down already!)
Work on my dog’s walking skills/be more active with him
Travel more - more specifically go to Europe
Be very selective about my next career move
Be better about making decisions
Build a new life that makes me genuinely happy, positive, and excited
Update on Resolution Progress
Definitely not done, I had to take a break due to intense job searching and rebuilding my savings (post on this to come), but still definitely trying to finish.
Ehhh, this one shames me quite a bit, but I also fell off of this due to the reason mentioned above, but I have been working on the blog quite a bit this month. You should be seeing a post once every week this month and hoping to keep that schedule up.
I am down five books now, leaving seven left for the year. A little behind schedule, but I think that is pretty good considering how busy I have been these last few months. If you wanna hear about which books I chose and my thoughts on them after, just let me know.
Definitely still working on this.
I still want to travel more, but I did go to Europe! Portugal to be exact. Read more about that in my next post this month.
I definitely was. At first, I was taking only political related gigs, but then I started to lose faith and was applying to more widespread stuff you could do with a Political Science degree. I then reeled that back in a bit because I realized that I was interviewing for things that I didn't really want. However, it did lead me to my current job, which upon interviewing and getting to know my boss, I realized that she would be an invaluable asset to my career growth.
I think I will forever be working on this, but I have been trying to learn to balance between knowing what I want and don't want to do, and putting myself out there and trying new things.
I think this will also be a forever goal at least for the foreseeable future, but for now, I am making great strides toward that goal in building a life I can be proud of down south.
How are your New Years Resolutions going? I love hearing other people's goals and supporting them. Let's chat about them in the comments down below!