25 Thoughts On My 25th Birthday
- First off, I definitely feel different than I did yesterday. Usually, I don't feel any different on birthdays, but I do today. I think it has something to do with feeling as if people's expectations of me have increased or maybe my own expectations for myself have. Whoa, reflection.
- Financial fitness is extremely important. I never want to have to rely on anyone else to survive, and I have been moving towards that goal ever since I graduated college and started working post-grad at 20. I would say I hit full financial independence sometime around 24. I can't stress building good financial habits more.
- Practice discipline in any and all areas. Build your impulse control, fitness habits, (we increasingly lose muscle mass as we age... Lift weights people, especially ladies. It won't make you bulky, I promise), get into a routine, etc.
- Always put yourself first and do what is best for you. If you don't look out for you, who will? That's not to say to be a selfish jerk, but to make sure you're always checking in with yourself to see if the people, place, work, and overall environment is working for you.
- Just let go. Let go of anything that is no longer serving you. You do not have to have a concrete reason and you owe no one an explanation. If your friends make you sad, anxious or cause you to experience any other bad feeling consistently then you have my permission to let them go and find your true tribe. If your work isn't fulfilling you or making you happy, then you have my permission to pursue other opportunities. If your relationship causes you more stress than benefit, then let that man/woman go already! Life is too short to be unhappy when the solution is to just let go! One of my favorite quotes is, "You will find that you will need to let things go, simply for the reason that they are heavy."
- Take care of your body, you only get one.
- Declutter. Seriously. See number 5, and just let shit go. Oh, I curse and I'm not sorry. I am an adult and have adult language. I have been slowly ramping up my decluttering game over the last few years because I realized I was moving boxes of stuff that I never used from apartment to apartment. So unnecessary. It makes cleaning easier, you'll feel less stress from all the clutter, and you're able to be more mobile.
- Read and listen to more podcasts, it's so important to hear from different life experiences and viewpoints and to continue to learn and grow. I can't stress this enough. I'm on my 6th and 7th book for my goal this year of at least 12. Podcasts are amazing as well and free, can't beat free! You get to hear from dope normal people all over the world talk about things that they're passionate about and learn from them. What's more rad than that? I recommend listening to them on commutes, it's like having the most stimulating and thought-provoking conversation, but while you're already stuck in traffic. Makes the commute suck less.
- Do one thing this year that scares you. For me, that was following my dream of moving out of state, across the country, and making that work all without a job. Talk about the opportunity of a lifetime for personal growth.
- There is nothing wrong with seeking help when you need it. This applies to many things, but I stress this for those who are suffering mentally and emotionally. There's no shame and if anyone judges you, remember it says more about them than it does about you. If you seek the help you need, I applaud you. You are going through something that none of us know about and you are still pushing through, you are stronger than you know.
- Get outside as much as you can. Nature is so therapeutic.
- Take yourself on solo dates/trips. Don't wait for people to be ready to do what you want to do, just take yourself. Another one of my goals is to go on a solo trip. Where should I go?
- I really hope that this blog is helping someone if even just one person. I would really love it if more of you commented so that I could interact with you more and hear what you would like to see on here. That would be the best birthday present, hint hint.
- Make goals. I don't care that they say most of them never happen. Be the outlier. Write. Your. Goals. Down. Then take small steps towards achieving them. You are capable. The internet has endless resources to help you get there and I want to help you get there, so please reach out if I can help you reach your goals in any way.
- Find your tribe, your soul sisters and brothers, and your "family". Your biological family is inherited, but I thoroughly believe we can choose our own family. Find people who you can connect with on a deeply emotional and personal level, who will support you no matter what, and will always root for you, near or far.
- Calories don't count on your birthday, right? So many cakes and desserts.
- Take more time for yourself. Recharge. Build your hobbies. Try new things. We all need to do more of this, myself included.
- Help people, especially women. Build women up and help them get to where they want to go. Life is already hard enough on us females, we gotta stick together.
- When people show you who they are, believe them. This is the best piece of advice that I have embraced.
- You are in control of your life. Things may happen to you, but you get to decide how you react to them and handle them. Remember that.
- Tell people how you feel when you feel it. There's not enough love in this world. People are depressed more than ever. There's too much playing it cool and who can show the most disinterest. I'm over it.
- Going along with Thought 21, tell people other than romantic partners that you love them. Tell your friends male and female that you love them and that you cherish them. Tell them why you love them. Make sure people know how you feel outside of romantic partners.
- Slow down. Everything is go go go in today's world. Let's all take some time to just sit and be. I need to do this more too. I'm going to try to be on my phone less this weekend and enjoy the birthday beach weekend with my friends and loved ones.
- Life is hard. No one's life is perfect. No one looks picture perfect every day. Keep that in mind when you're on the internet. Don't let anyone fool you into this false belief that anyone's life is better than anyone else's. I hope you don't get that vibe from me. I make mistakes too and I will be sharing those with you dear reader. My life is far from perfect, but I like it that way. Keeps it interesting.
- Lastly, be wild. Be spontaneous. Be passionate. Be bold.
P.S. I love you and thank you for sticking with me this past year.
You are important to me and I hope we can continue to do life together.
Happy Aly Day AKA my day of birth.